Life is much more important than food, and the body much more important than clothes. Instead, be concerned with His Kingdom, and He will provide you with these things.
Luke 12:23,31

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Gospel Message - FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION

Today, August 15, is the feast of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Assumption means that Mary,
at the end of her life here on earth, was “assumed” (taken
into heaven), lest her body undergo corruption. It is a
promise of our being taken into heaven at the end of our
lives. Our faith teaches us that the Lord will raise us up and
take us into heaven where we will enjoy eternal life with our
God, with Mary, and with all the saints and angels.
We gather together on this day to give glory to God
as we honor Mary and commemorate her assumption into
used with permission - Msgr. Bob Lawrence

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